10 November 2008

Why Monday Sucks

Slept behind the building again, on the hard concrete. It was chilly, but at least it hasn't rained lately. That skank Chris has moved in to the Possum Hilton. He even found a piece of board to cover up the broken window, so he's nice and cozy. It does my heart good to see him so comfortable.

Had a beef stew MRE last night for dinner, along with half a bottle of chardonnay, so it wasn't too bad. I watched a movie(which finished off my battery). This morning, I had the strawberry milk shake that came in the MRE, for breakfast. Not bad. I passed Travis, on his way back from taking Fernando to work, but I don't know if he saw me or not. I am at CC's, like every morning, having an iced coffee and a bagel.

I have today off. I hate days off (unless it is on a Thursday, when I can chill in a hotel room). There is nothing to do, and I have no place to go. I wind up here, for several hours, but there is no place to just chill. I would really like to take a nap right now, but I don't have any place to take a nap. I would like to watch TV right now, but I don't have a place to watch TV, unless I go some place with TVs, like Zippy's, and then I have to watch what is on their TVs, which is usually fucking ESPN, and I get really tired of fucking ESPN. How the hell can anyone watch so much sports?

Really! I am interested in sports somewhat. I like to watch football and baseball and tennis. But how can you be so obsessed with sports that you have to know all the stats of all the players and all the coaches and the favorite vacation spots of the team and the names of the owners' pet llamas? Come on! Is this a straight guy thing and I just don't get it? Do I really want to get it? It all seems like an incredible waste of time and effort. I guess it's better than smoking crack.

I just hope Chester comes through and I can get an apartment soon. It will be so nice just to relax and do nothing, in comfort and safety. It will be nice to actually buy food and cook it, something I haven't done in a long time. It will be nice to sleep in a real bed, every night, with real sheets: not just a sleeping bag on the ground. It will be nice to be inside. Right now, it's like a dream.

I will have to get some furniture, of course. I don't even have a bed any more. All my furniture went when I had to move out of the apartment in Tigerland. I hope Jeremy rots in hell, the little creep. Leaving me stuck with all the bills was one thing, but charging his cell phone to my account after he left (which destroyed my bank account) was really low. Haven't heard anything from Jeremy ... maybe he's dead!

It will take a while to accumulate furniture. I'll start off with just the basics: like a bed, a table, something to store clothes in and some shelves for books, CDs and DVDs (which I have a lot of). It will be so nice to have my few remaining possessions with me, instead of in a storage shed out on Coursey Blvd. It will be nice to have fresh fruit and vegetables, too. I miss fresh vegetables.

Oh, well. So much for the dream: it's back to reality today.

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