02 November 2008


I am in CC's, blogging away, and there is this guy in his 60's, wearing an LSU ball cap, who is very loudly holding court, surrounded by several of his peers. He is warning them of what will happen if "they take over". This is pretty much the gist of what he said:

There is a well-funded liberal conspiracy in this country which seeks to seize power from "us Americans". If they take over, it will be the greatest disaster "since FDR (sic)". They will ram socialism down "our" throats, along with gay marriage and the elimination of Christianity. America will become a "third world country", like Europe. These people have to be stopped, but, from the way things look, it might be too late, because their evil conspiracy, funded heavily by foreign powers, has pulled out all of the stops, in order to defeat McCain.

This is the kind of claptrap that I have heard floating around, lately. Of course, when you live in a state that is so staunchly conservative as well as abysmally ignorant (there may be a connection, here), what do you expect? I agree that this is probably the most important election since 1980, when the neo-conservative ascendency, under which we still suffer, first seized power. Even with the Clinton administration, this "conspiracy" has pretty much shaped this country's foreign and domestic policies, with disastrous effects. When Reagan took office, the national debt was just over one trillion dollars: it is now nearly ten trillion, and most of that debt has been piled on by Republican Presidents and Republican-dominated Congresses. The Clinton administration was the first (and last) administration that did not run a deficit budget (at least, for the last three years) since Dwight Eisenhower was President.

Not only that, but a series of Republican administrations have packed the Federal judiciary with activist conservative judges, who consistently rule for the big guys against the little guys (i.e., most of us). The curtailments on civil rights by this administration, as well as the administrations of Reagan and Bush I, have been horrendous. Military adventurism, particularly our current disaster in Iraq, has besmirched the image of this country and caused an unprecedented rise in anti-American sentiment worldwide. It is time that we threw the conservatives out of power. They have run things (into the ground) long enough. Wealth and privilege are the new entitlements in this topsy-turvy America, where greed is rewarded and socialism exists for the rich. Only in America could socialism be perverted like it has! National Health is derided as "too costly", while the government buys up bank assets and bails out companies and their executives who got themselves into the situation they are in because they were selfish, greedy and venal.

It is time for a revolution in this country, and if not by the ballot box, then by the bullet-box! I say: up against the wall with them! Storm the bastions of privilege and take their stuff for us! What do we do with the idle rich? I suggest that we eat them; if not actually, then at least symbolically. It is time that they see how the "other 95%" lives. Since when did 5% of the people in this country suddenly deserve to own more than half of everything? That isn't democracy: it's feudalism, and it's time the people were revolting (no pun intended)!

So, dust off your pitchforks and light your torches: TO THE BARRICADES!

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