06 November 2008

Hotel Day!

At CC's for a while, waiting for the checks to come in, so I can go get something to eat. It's overcast, and raining a little, which is problematic when you are on a bicycle (particularly because my laptop is with me). After I get my check, I will pick up a couple of things I need at Wal-Mart (I know, but sometimes I have to go there)and maybe slide by Zippy's for lunch, or just blow off lunch and come back here and work on a few projects.

It's Hotel Day (yay!), so, at 3:00, I will go check in at La Quinta, take a hot shower and relax for a while. I'm going to try to get Travis and Fernando to meet me at Mestizo's for dinner: they still haven't eaten there yet. Then, it is a wonderful night in a hotel room, with TV, AC, WiFi and a bottle of wine. All I need is a hot boy, but I haven't come across very many lately. I'll just have to imagine the hot boy. I'll get a good night's sleep tonight, for sure.

Yesterday, I went by Travis' and took a shower. Then we walked to Cane's and got a Caniac Box and split it. We ate on his little back porch. It was nice. Travis and I had a lot of fun while we were together. I find myself wishing that we still were, often. At least, we are still friends. Travis told me the other day that I should be more forgiving towards friends who have done me wrong (like Bridget and Anthony), and I said that some things were really hard to forgive, like leaving me homeless or stealing all my stuff. He asked me why I forgave him for leaving me and I said, "Because you asked me to." I usually forgive people who hurt me, it's just that some things really hurt a lot, and it's hard to forgive someone if it is still hurting. It's also hard to forgive someone who doesn't think that he (or she) has done anything wrong. Oh, well.

Last night, at Serrano's, I was sitting on the porch, blogging and writing. I talked to a woman who recognized me. Turns out she is a customer at Albertson's. Her husband was one of the two guys playing live music. I talked to her and to a couple of other people who asked me what I was doing. There were a bunch of people talking to someone outside the porch. It was Chris the Squatter. He was trying to beg money from restaurant patrons, telling them that he hadn't had anything to eat in days, etc. He must have forgotten about the cookies and chips he left at the Possum Hilton. The rat (or rats) must have gotten into them. I threw what was left away. I figured he might go back to the PH last night, but he seems to have moved on, just not very far. He didn't even notice me.

As I was getting ready to leave, some drunk sorority type was loudly declaiming the Obama victory. "It's just not right," she said, very loudly. "A black man in the White House!" I just shook my head.

"Maybe they'll repaint it black for him," I offered. "Besides, considering who has lived there for the past eight years, it's definitely a step in the right direction."

"Who cares what you say," she said. "You ride a bicycle!" I failed to grasp the logic of this last comment, but I bid them adieu and retired to the PH, where I ate a perfectly awful beef patty MRE (don't recommend this one) and went to sleep.

It's about 11:30, and I am headed to the store to get paid. I'm looking forwards to tonight, and a soft, clean bed.

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