13 November 2008

Police Action

Last night was miserable. I slept behind a building, and the ground was wet and it was damp all night. My sleeping bag got all damp; my clothes, too. I need to wash my sleeping bag so it doesn't mildew. Got up and went to CC's, where I am now, as usual.

Travis texted me that his neighbor had called the police on Chris (the stupid idiot stayed in the PH pretty much all day long, every day!), but he was gone. He'll be back. The problem is that it won't make anything better for me because if I stay there now, I run the risk of someone calling the cops on me, and that's all I need. When I stayed there, I was gone early in the morning and only returned late at night, so very few people even knew I was there. Dumbass slept all day in there, so that residents who went in to wash clothes found him sleeping there. That stupid fucking piece of worthless trash fucked everything up! I hope they catch him there and taser his nuts!

Anyway, I haven't been able to stay there lately, so it doesn't make much difference to me except that I have to be careful not to stay in the same place too many nights in a row or stay too late, so that I am noticed. Its almost like being a fugitive or something. That fuckhead Chris just made things worse, but he is trash, so what do you expect from him? Damn it!

Chatting with Jenni online while I am sitting here. She is at work, but she and I talk during the day whenever I am online. In a little while, I will go by work and get my check. There is a problem there, too (like, I never have problems!): the teller at Chase told me last week that Albertson's no longer has an agreement with Chase to cash our checks, so, if they can't cash it at customer service, I will have to go to Wal-Mart to cash it. Ain't that a bitch! I have to pay my phone bill today and I have a reservation at La Quinta for tonight. I work tonight, too, but I'll probably get off early because they called me in to work yesterday, on my day off. All I do is work.

I need to take quarters and soap with me to La Quinta, so I can wash a few things (like my sleeping bag) tonight. I don't want it to mildew, and it needs washing, anyway. Still haven't heard anything from Chester. I might give him a call tonight, just to touch base, if he doesn't call me. I really need to get off the street. This shit sucks.

That's about it for now. With any luck, my next post will be from the comfort of La Quinta. Won't get to eat dinner over at Mestizo tonight unless I get off kind of early, which is possible, since they don't want me to get overtime. If I get off early enough, I'll eat there after I get back to the hotel.

I sure hope they taser Chris ...

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