09 November 2008

Boring-ass Sunday

Had a shitty day at work yesterday. For some reason, both w. and J. (Front-end Managers) were totally on the rag about everything: J. mostly about people punching in and out on time and taking breaks and other BS, ad nauseam. Slept very poorly (on Serrano's stage), because Chris the Squatter has taken up permanent residence in the Possum Hilton, and I can't get him to leave. Fernando said that he would "get him out", which would be great. When I left his morning (after spending the night in the open, behind a building) the skank was still asleep there.

Went to CC's, where I am now, and had coffee and a bagel. Got instructions from 2K on how to fix Civ IV, and re-installed it, but I haven't tried to play it again, yet. Hope it works. I work at noon, in about an hour.

While I was sitting here, one of the local bums, and obnoxious little one-eyed prick named Juan, came into CC's. I never though of him as a coffee drinker. He didn't buy anything, just disappeared. A while later, I went to the bathroom, and, on the floor next to the toilet was an almost-empty half-pint of Heaven Hill whiskey (Juan's favorite libation, which he generally purchases at Albertson's liquor store with hands full of change and filthy, wadded-up bills). Go figure. The guy is stashing his booze in the toilet at CC's and hitting it back there. What a skank! He was banned from the store because he threatened one of the managers. He is a nasty little guy. He stinks. He walks with a cane.

I was feeling very depressed yesterday. When I got off, I went by Travis' apartment, and we sat around for a while and got high. I took a shower before I left, because I have to work at noon, so no laundry and lunch for me today. I work until 9, and then I don't really have anywhere to go, since Chris is still occupying the PH. Fucker. I will be glad to leave all this crap behind me. Anyway, I didn't get raped and/or murdered last night, which is a good thing, I guess. I'm off tomorrow, so I guess I will spend most of the day investigating places to rent and looking for accommodation, against the day (hopefully soon) when I can afford to secure such.

That's about all for now. Doesn't seem to be a very exciting day. Wish I had some place to go when I get off. Wish Chris would go back to where he came from. Wish this was all a bad dream, and I would wake up in a real bed ...

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