14 November 2008

Beauty is Skin Deep ... Ugly Goes Right to the Bone

Lots to think about tonight, O Best Beloved ...

La Quinta is so kewl ... AC out the butt, no rain, soft bed ... yeh ... you guys get IT. TV!!!!!!!! Adult Swim ... Watching Moral Orel right this MINNIT! Wowsers. Can life really get this FUGGIN good?

Yup ... for tonight. Tomorrow, it's the streets again.

Hey! If there's anybody out there: posted this as a reply to a Newsweek article:

Ugly is relative. Does it apply simply to one who is born genetically deformed or not quite so "beauty-enabled" as, say, a Britney Spears or a Brad Pitt, or is it so expansive a term as to include those whose external appearance may have been compromised by the ravages of time and/or external pressures?

I consider myself fortunate to live in an epoch marked so deeply by a constant devotion to fleeting vision. "In a blink of an eye" is too short a phrase to characterise wholly the constant lack of attention that we, as a shrinking global consciousness give to the fucking obvious.

Oh, the beautiful among us, so perceived, bear forth the fruit of the womb! Isn't that "natural selection"? So, what the hell happens if those who appear most desirable wind up being the dumbest? Hey: I'm an anthropologist: people are, like all living things, eminently adaptable. Could not a case be made here, that ugly people, denied by appearance the choice entitlements in our culture, be evolving higher mentalities, simply to survive?

Think about it, if you can. If you cannot, be beautiful and pop out more stupid pretty things. Don't worry: THE REST OF US WILL CARRY YOUR WEIGHT.

Is it kewl? Is anyone out there? If a byte goes I/O in RAM, and there is no peripheral storage device, is it data?

Peace. Out.

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