01 November 2008

Halloween Night

Last night was the Carlotta Street Halloween party, which has been somewhat of a local tradition for about 30 years. Carlotta St. is just North of LSU, and there are a lot of students living in the area. The Possum Hilton is only a block away, so it was quite a night, with intoxicated people in costume wandering around, music playing, people yelling, etc. I checked it out for a little while, and then returned to the PH, where I watched a movie on my laptop and dined on an MRE (chicken fajita). It wasn't very good. There was rice pilaf and trail mix with it. I watched my movie, trying to ignore the mayhem going on outside. I finally got to sleep around 3:00, when the noise died down. Travis and Fernando went to NO for the evening.

My sister called me from Alabama, saying she was worried about me. She said Dad was settled into his new home, and that he had serious problems with his memory and with incontinence, which I already knew. She said she would pay my phone bill for me, so that it won't get cut off, which is good, because I won't have enough money until Thursday. Gee, I'm glad someone is worried about me, but nobody seems worried enough to actually help. That would be better, if I could get out of this mess, and had a stable existence. Then, nobody would have to worry, least of all me. But, that isn't going to happen.

Then, I got a call from work: they want me to come in early, at 2, so I am having a cup of coffee at CC's right now, and I will be headed to work when I finish this post. They keep calling me in to work, and then they get all upset when I wind up with overtime. Well, you can't have your cake and eat it, too. If I wind up with overtime, don't bitch at me when you asked me to work it. They are lucky that they have me to come in whenever I'm needed and work late when they need me to. Of course, whet else do I have to do?

So, I had enchiladas at Zippy's (their lunch menu is really cheap), and a $2.75 margarita. I'm drinking a cafe au lait, and then I'll be ready to go. I really hate this fucking existence. I am tired of not having a place to go. I am tired of being lonely. My life sucks. Hotel night was nice, but it will be Thursday before I sleep in a bed again. I have got to find a way out of this, before I go nuts. I am so miserable.

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