Yes, I have been remiss ... I haven't written on my damned blog in a week, but my excuse is that quite a lot has happened (which I will relate more of in a later post/and/or post(s). For one thing, I am no longer homeless, thanks to my friend Chester and a hell of a lot of running around on my part, doing things. I didn't get the place I initially wanted, but, as it turns out, this is probably going to work out better, at least for now. It is actually about 40m from the place where I lived, years ago, on Highland, even thought the building has been torn down and a Jack-in-the-Box now stands there (more about that later).
So, even though it is an "efficiency" walk-up (which means carrying my bike up and down a flight of stairs), it has quite a lot of space and an actual view, albeit of the JITB parking lot, so I can watch people driving through and buying crappy food all day long, if I get really, really bored. I have been luxuriating in the total freedom of actually having a place to stay (which mostly means goofing off a lot and taking LOTS of naps). I actually get to cook food now, because I have a refrigerator that has real food in it, not MREs or take-out. Tonight, I had a bit of steak, a baked potato with sour cream and chives, and yes, oh yes, my very first egg nog of the season (with a stiff shot of whisky in it!). Oh, bliss!
Oh, yeah: I have an inflate-O-bed, with real sheets and pillows and a comforter on it, and a gas fire (so what if it isn't a fireplace?), and a brand new microwave that I just got, which is really cool, and didn't cost me much; and (best of all) I can snag two WiFi signals for free, even though the reception is poor, so I really can't do YouTube or other video ,most of the time: I still have to go to Cc's or someplace else for that. So,it's heaven on Earth.
So, I worked until 8 yesterday, and, when I got off, it was near freezing and pouring rain, and the weatherman (or men or women) had predicted snow. For some reason, people here find it necessary to spell snow as sneaux, as kind of a cutesy faux (real word) French word. The real French word for snow is niege, which hasn't got an 's' in it at all. Go figure. I rode my bicycle home (as usual) and was half-frozen and wet from the waist down when I got home (great word!). I lit the fire, stripped off my wet clothes, dried off, got into dry ones, and fixed dinner.
When you ride a bike in the rain, the back wheel throws water up your back. The water proceeds down the middle of your back, into your shorts, down your butt-crack and thoroughly saturates your balls. This is unpleasant. Just as unpleasant is having splash from the road fill your shoes, so your feet are cold and wet, as well. The feeling of wet nuts, a wet bottom and sloshy feet is indescribable: it took about an hour for my testicles to reappear: they were in hiding.
I got all comfy and warm and ate and watched Dark Knight, which was extremely kewl, and goofed off for awhile. I stay up late, so I was still up around 3:30, when I heard this familiar tapping noise on my window. I though, "no, it can't be ...", but, when I looked out the window, yes, it was actually snowing. This is South Louisiana ... snow is a rarity here. I went outside and took some video with my phone and some pictures, which I uploaded. I am going to try to put them on this blog.
The whole city pretty much shut down the next day (which is today): all the schools and a lot of government offices were closed. They closed a lot of bridges (which we have a lot of here) so a lot of people didn't make it to work. I don't like snow. I remember the very first time I met snow, when I was about 3. My parents thought it would be fun to dress me up in a little "snow suit" and take me outside and take pictures of me and the snow. I hated it and started crying. You can tell by my face in the pictures that I thoroughly hated it. Had I been older, I would have called Family Services on them. How sadistic! I could have gotten frostbite, and lost my fingers, and not been able to type this, years later. What a loss to the world that would have been!
At any rate, I'm going to try putting photos and maybe some video in my blog. I'll try to post more and fill in some of the other stuff that's happened lately. For now, I'm going to have another egg nog, with plenty of whisky: it's good against the cold. That's my excuse, and, if not medical science, then those big dogs with the Swiss ski patrols, at least, will back me up (or, is that brandy?).
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