Okay. Take it for granted that there are a lot of cute boys in the world: straight people keep popping them out like Jiffy Pop. Thank you, Straight People: I admire your work, though I would not like to have to do it. One of the absolutely cutest boys to ever exist is Devon Sawa. I know that I shall be judged for my shallowness (after all, a man should not be judged by the way he looks, but for his character), but you are all guilty of it. If you weren't, there would be no tabloid industry.
Devon, as a young man (he is now 30) was absolutely beautiful. He never was a great actor, although his work in Idle Hands, with Seth Green, was noticeable, but he was always nice to look at, and I have seen (and collected) all of his films, as way back as Twister. Oh, how gay, you might say, but then, I am. I also really like young men, and that isn't a new thing: I liked them when I was young.
Well, I haven't seen Devon in anything in awhile, and I miss him. He's supposed to have a new film out next year. I hope he hasn't gotten fat, and that he dosen't have to actually act much, because his forte' is just looking totally edible. Not that I really want to put Devon down, because I really appreciate all he has done to make the world a more beautiful place. And, I mean that.
Which brings me to the philosophical question that seems to seep into many of my posts: what happens to aging faggots?
There is a generation gap in the gay world. We had our own holocaust, and it was called AIDS. Nazis didn't do it, and, despite the blatherings of the religious right, we didn't exactly do it to ourselves even if Larry Kramer said that we were "fucking ourselves to death". I remember those times. I was there. I'm not saying that Devon is gay. He just represents youth lost.
Youth lost is never found again. That's why I am glad that Devon is still around. I find him inspiring. There are not a lot of guys my age around. There are older guys and there are younger ones. There is about a twenty-year gap in gay male culture. This has made a profound difference in our lives, although a lot of guys are too focused on fashion to realise it. Younger men used to pair off with older men: this has been an aspect of gay culture from ancient Greece. Now, younger men pair off together, which leaves old fuckers like me out in the cold.When you are old and gay and single, it is like a life's sentence: you are condemned forever o be alone. Of course, you are allowed on night stands and stand-up sex in public toilets, but forget having a "meaningful relationship". I hate being old and gay.
Devon rules because he is beautiful. Though he may age, his image in film is a consntant reminder to me of what it was like to be young and cute. And, in a culture that worships youth, as ours does, gay or straight, he belongs in my Pantheon.
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