Well, it was raining for a good part of yesterday, so it was good that I decided to have Hotel Night. Stayed over at La Quinta again (I really like La Quinta), and I got a couple of things I don't get very often: a good wank and a nap. Took a shower and then I had to work 6-12, and then I went back to the hotel and ate a frozen meal (it was Savoie"s Crab and shrimp stew, which is pretty good) and drank cheap Chardonnay (God, am I always drinking cheap Chardonnay, or what?) and watched Adult Swim and tried to figure out my new phone. I mostly played with my phone, because there wasn't any good stuff on AS (no Moral Orel or Squidbillies or Venture Brothers). I hooked it up to my computer and downloaded the software I needed to connect the two. Now, I can manage A/V content on my phone from my laptop. My phone is Bluetooth, too, so if I add a BT adapter to my laptop, I can talk back and forth without a cable: totally kewl! My new phone rocks!
So, I had Saturday off, and I went and had dinner with Travis and Fernando. They went to New Orleans Friday night and hung out with friends and went to The Parade and other places. We wached videos and listened to music and somewhere in there Travis got mad at me and told me to leave, and it was raining, and so I went to the Possum Hilton (Chris seems to have moved on), but then I felt sad and I called him and said "can I please come back inside?" and he said okay, and so I slept on the floor inside again (yay!).
Got up about 6 or so and spent the next several hours online from my phone. I turned on the GPS system and tested it by asking it for directions to Travis' place and it told me to walk East about 10 feet, which I thought was pretty awesome. One of the cool things about this is that, no matter where I am, if I am on network, I can call for help and GPS will tell the authorities where I am. The downside is that I will have to temporarily shelve my plans for global terrorism, now that I can be tracked so easily.
So, we went and did washing, and stopped by the store, and I washed my sleeping bag (which really did need a wash!) and took a shower, and now I am at CC's again. Just figured out how to upload and download images from my phone to my laptop. Way kewl. I still haven't figured out quite how to upload YouTube yet, but that is definitely in the cards.
Tomorrow, I will go and rent 525, and (hopefully) get other stuff paid (like utilities). Asked Travis if he would mind dragging me around a bit and he said no, so (God willing) I should be nice and comfortable tomorrow night. That's about it for now. Sorry it's so boring. Once I get everything kind of squared away, things will get more organised. Should have pictures and video too, soon.
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