25 November 2008

Fake Pee-Pee

I woke up this morning and a maniac with one of those gasoline powered blowers was running amok around the apartment complex where Travis and Fernando live. He was on the other side of the fence that I was sleeping behind and I got a blizzard of wet leaves blown all in my hair and into my sleeping bag, which wasn't a very good way to wake up. They are going to New Orleans today to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends. I work at 6, and I am at CC's (big surprise) for awhile.

It rained a good part of yesterday, so I spent a good part of yesterday here. I went by Travis' place last night, and David was there, and we all ate Chinese take-out and some of David's leftover stir-fry, and had drinks and had a very pleasant evening. David complained to me that he never gets laid, which is silly, because he is 22 and very cute and nice to have around. I would definitely do David, except he would never consider me, since I am old and ugly and deformed ... oh, well. He really has nothing to complain about: He is just starting out in life and has a good shot at happiness, which I don't have. I'm lucky to have a shot at anything. I get wet leaves in my hair.

Anyway, I am going to attempt to put SimCity 4 on my machine today. I have had very little success putting games on my computer. It seems that Vista doesn't like most other programmes in the world and refuses to work with them (or they don't like Vista). Vista sucks. It really sucks worse than any other OS I have ever had to deal with over the years. I hate it. I wish I could get it off of my machine and put XP on it, but I went and bought XP and tried to delete Vista and load XP on it and Vista wouldn't let me. Microsoft crap is so goddamned proprietary: you can't even delete components that you don't want (like Windows Explorer, which I don't use because I use Firefox instead). So, I don't know if Vista will let me install SimCity 4 ... we'll find out.

I work until 12 tonight. Still hoping to hear something from Chester ... I really want to have a place to live this week, so I can be all thankful and everything. So far, this holiday season is not shaping up very well. So, until such time as I hear from him, life goes on in its usual sucky manner.

An un-named person whom I know has to take a pee-pee test for his job, since they are making everybody take pee-pee tests, so he bought some "synthetic" pee-pee from the local head shop, and we were all wondering exactly where the so-called synthetic pee-pee came from. I mean, it would be easier just to use real pee-pee (except, of course, it would degrade and get all ammonia-smelling). Maybe there are preservatives that you could add to it. I shall have to research this further. I mean, what the hell else do I have to do, anyway?

This pee-pee came from Cincinnati, but (I conjectured) it might have been shipped in bulk from China, where little boys are paid a pittance to make pee-pee into vats. Then, the bulk pee-pee is then sanitised and adjusted for Ph, and preservatives are added, and it is shipped to Ohio (the state that is round on either end and tall in the middle) in rail cars, before being bottled and packaged for end-user end use. Just one more industry being lost to the damned Chinese (unless, of course, little Ohio boys are supplying the pee-pee, which would make it a valued domestic industry that should be protected at all costs). I intend to write the company and ascertain whether or not they are using domestic pee-pee, as opposed to imported. I would definitely NOT use foreign pee-pee, if there were a suitable domestic label available. That would be un-American.

Anyway, it came with a little self-heater pack, like they have with MRE's, so you can warm it to body temperature, since the drug-testing people check for temperature. I really think it is no-ones damned business if I want to smoke weed or not, so long as I don't do it on the job. It all started back with Nancy Reagan and that stupid "just say no" crap, when everyone started passing all kinds of drug laws and everyone decided to start testing all their employees for everything. It not only created drug-testing industry, but a fake pee-pee industry as well. So, I guess we should all be thankful that drug paranoia has provided more jobs.

I've got to log off. Got to pee-pee. I'm not saving it, either.

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