This was a shocker: Living Foods, Baton Rouge's oldest organic food store, on Perkins Rd., is shut for good. It was a great little store and I did a lot of business with them over the years. They simply couldn't compete with the big organic food chains like Whole Foods, which opened one of its mega-organic-marts on the corner of Corporate Blvd. and Jefferson Highway just over a year ago. I can't afford to even walk into Whole Foods: it is so expensive. I even applied for a job with them, but never heard back from them. It makes me feel sad to pass the old building and see it vacant.
Miraculously, I still have utilities. I am thinking maybe God finally decided to give me a break or two. Either that, or my blog really IS magic. I still don't expect it to last much longer. If it lasts until I can pay the bill, it will be a true miracle, kind of like my own private Chanukah. Maybe I'm just being silly. It wouldn't be the first time. Anyway, I'm going to test the "magic blog" theory:
It's really a bitch that, with all the lottery tickets I have bought over the years, the total amount I have ever won is about $60. The lottery is like a special tax on poor people: we are the only ones who play it consistently, because it offers false hope. I never seem to win any kind of contest. I am dutifully collecting all the Monopoly pieces I can for the store Monopoly game, but, if it works out like every other Monopoly game I ever played, I will get all of the pieces but one of each category, and never see the winning piece.
There. Now, if my blog is truly magic, I should win something. Hey, I don't really need to hit the Grand Prize: anything reasonably kewl will do, say, um, a widescreen TV or a grocery gift card. We'll see. Remember: this is not exactly a scientifical type experiment, although, if my blog turns out to be magic, I promise to use it for the Betterment of Mankind, and not just for personal gain. Yeah. Right.
Oh, yeah. For those of you interested, tonight's final count was:
2KOCs, 6QTs and 1MH, of which 3 were CK, and no C-Tens. God, I need to get laid!
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