So, how did I spend New Year's? Well, I worked New Year's Eve until 8, when the store shut. My friends were all going to New Orleans to party at The Parade, but they left at 4, so I didn't get to go. I really didn't have the money to blow on booze, drugs and anonymous sex with hot boys, so I guess that worked out OK ... umm ...
Got home and fixed dinner. I bought a bottle of cheap spumante for the occasion. I watched an Almodovar film (I forget which one) until I got sleepy and went to bed about 10:30. Pretty exciting, huh?
Well, at precisely 12 o'clock, 2009 erupted outside my window. There is a perfectly awful straight boy (who isn't even cute) who lives behind me and to the East, in a walk-up like mine. He and his friends are loud and obnoxious (as only college students whose parents pay for everything can be). They had previously shattered the trellis on his landing in order to gain access to the roof of the adjacent shed, so that they could dance around on it in an inebriated condition, and, having gained such access, used it on New Year's as a launch pad for a formidable arsenal of fireworks, most of which went right past my bedroom window. They also screamed and yelled and threw bottles and things, by way of celebration. That was how I knew it was 2009.
So, I woke up and had some spumante and got a text from my friends, who were partying in NO, and, about 2 AM, went back to sleep, because, of course, I had to work in the morning.
New Year's at the store was like Christmas: horrible. People with hangovers came in to buy more inebriates and food: lots of cabbage, meat and black-eye peas (traditional New Year's food in South Louisiana). I went home afterwards and then went by and saw a few friends and had some egg nog and hung out. Not exactly a momentous change of year. Then I slept a whole lot, because I have worked every holiday of the holiday season, and, frankly, I am glad it's over with. If I can celebrate anything, it's goodbye to 2008, which, I have to say, was the worst ever fucking year in my life. So, that's good. Also, ONLY 15 MORE DAYS AND COUNTING! After that, 'W' passes into the oubliette of history. Goodbye and good riddance. May he rot in Crawford, Texas, which I hope, will keep him, lest he slither again into the public arena and afflict the nation again with his cancerous presence.
I need to blog more. I have been lazy, lately, since I actually have a place to live and I am comfortable and stuff. I am sorry. I am trying to find a cute young guy to punish me for this and other transgressions. I'll certainly post the results of my search, if they are fruitful. Pun intended. Oh, that's another one, isn't it? Hmm. Better add that to the list.
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