14 January 2010

My Daily Schedule

Here is a draught version of my daily schedule: note that some activities (such as work) vary from day to day. Unfortunately, not much else does.

0415: Awaken, if the background noise (snoring, manaical screams, big things outside going beep...beep...beep as they back up) hasn't already awakened me.

0430: Having put together all of the things that I will need for the day and packed them away in my backpack, and having dressed appropriately for the day's ride, I exit the dormitory, and enter the activity room.

0430-0445: If there is no coffee made: make coffee. If there are no doughnuts, biscuits, etc., laid out, lay them out as instructed by the Warden of the Evening.

0445-0530: Charge my mobile. Check weather conditions. Look at the newspaper, if there is a newspaper and if no-one else has laid claim to it. Bask in cameraderie and scintillating conversation.

0530-0545: Clean up stuff and throw trash away as is needed and/or directed by the Warden of the Evening.

0545: Depart for the day.

0600: Hang out at CCs Coffee for an indeterminate period of time, depending on whether I work early or not.Read and check news on my mobile.

0900: If I do not work early, go to either the public library or Middleton Library to access the internet. Write, do research and work on my blog and other stuff. Take a few minutes' time to play Imperion.

1100ish: Depending upon when I go to work (if I work that day): go to work. If I do not work, I either spend more time at the library or find something else to do to waste time until I must return to camp.

1600-2000: Dependent upon work schedule, return to camp. If I do not work or get off work early, either hang out with friends or go have a pint somewhere (only not too close to check-in time, as I don't want to be accused of inebriation and thereby forfeit my bed).

1730-1800: If I am back in time for supper, help set up for supper: set tables, get out condiments and/or mix Kool-Aid.

1800-1830: Eat supper. A different group and/or groups provide a free meal almost every night. Fare is generally palatable, and there is enough of it to leave me satisfied. If I arrive late (after about 1830) I eat a late plate (q.v.), which may or may not contain enough food to satisfy my hunger.

1830-1845: Help clean up after supper and/or help clean up dorm. On laundry day, help clean the lavatory area.

1845-2000: (Every day except Thursdays): Engage in cameraderie and/or watch television, on the few occasions when the television is not immutably fixed upon ESPN. When it is, I go back into the dormitory.

1900-2000?: (Thursdays only): Participate in the (mandatory) house meeting, which generally consists of a 45-60 minute harangue which touches upon the latest complaints against residents who are either doing things that they shouldn't be doing or not doing things that they should be doing. There then follows an extensive diatribe about lazy, good-for-nothing bums who should be going out and finding jobs instead of lazing about the camp wingeing about everything and how unfair it is and making up excuses for not having a job which the lecturer has heard all of in the entire universe with the result that he is now sick to death of hearing them and boy-oh-boy are certain individuals (you know who you are!) are going to be in for a rude awakening when the find themselves tossed out on their butts because they are lazy, shiftless bums who don't deserve even a single ounce of compassion because they expect everybody else to do everything for them that they are not willing to do for themselves.

2000-2100: Attempt to read in the dormitory over the mindless blather that passes for conversation (see previous post). Brush teeth.

2100: Lights Out! Drift off to a blissful, restorative sleep that will give me the fortitude to face the next day.

That is pretty much it. If it seems monotonous, it is. If it seems pretty much devoid of constructive activity, it is. If it seems as though it would drive any rational person to the brink of madness, it does.

Oh, yeah: and anyone who is not heartily thankful that he is privileged to reside at Camp Winge-a-lot doesn't deserve to reside there, and should, by all means, be cast into the outer darkness, where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth!

Oh, yeah ... it's Thursday! Huzzah.

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